Month: December 2006

  • we are winding down the semester, and everyone is on edge. 

    after spending quite literally every waking moment (19-20 hours/day) of the past 3 days in the library, i found myself walking home from field placement on sunday, with tears welling up in my eyes > i was so tired i could not see straight.  on the way home, i met Mn, who lives in my house; she’d seen me and had waited so we could walk home together.  one thing led to another, and we ended up in her room, talking and so that i could have a cat-fix (she’s got 3 – ms. kitty, brenda, and bella). 

    now, i really like Mn.  she’s a year ahead of me, so she’ll graduate in may, and she is very very cool; she’s the kind of person i’d like to be when i grow up.  after me sitting in her chair, drinking diet dr. pepper with tears just streaming down my face and blathering for 15 minutes or so, i finally pull myself together.  turns out it was a good thing i needed to be with a friend because so did she.

    she told me that someone (she didn’t say whom) had ‘outed’ her to her diocese, and that she’d gotten a call from her bishop telling her that the canon to the ordinary (that’s the person who has the power over the commission on ministry that has the power over your ordination prospects) had found out about her sexuality.  now, Mn and i have never discussed if she were gay or straight > since i’m not looking for someone, and since i’m straight, it just never came up, and, to be honest, i never even thought about it one way or the other. 

    she said at the time she went to seminary, she was not aware of her orientation; she only became conscious of the fact that she’s a lesbian relatively recently.  she told her bishop once she realized because that was only fair, and her diocese is against the ordination of openly gay/lesbian persons.  her bishop was going along with things since no one else knew and since Mn was single, celibate, and not looking.  now, other people know, and so she might not be able to be ordained. 

    it is completely not fair.  she is a wonderful person, will be a great priest… she’s got an excellent rapport with youth, and i’ve heard her preach, and it’s meaningful and moving…  she has been upfront with her diocese > it’s not like she hid anything.  and then someone from here  was the one who spread the word, which should be her secret to share.  i am so saddened for her.  she won’t be able to be ordained at all in her diocese now, and so she would need to go somewhere else, possibly starting the discernment process over again in that place. 

    just one more person facing one more hurdle, dealing with more pain…. hello, God, we’ve done everything you want — can we be priests now?

  • peter boyle Peter Boyle died today… he had multiple myeloma.  although most folk probably know him better as the dad, Frank, on “Everybody Loves Raymond”, i knew him best as the monster in “Young Frankenstein”.  i love that movie, and i loved him in that movie….

    i finished my major paper for my Liturgics class.  i ended up working until 2:30AM wednesday morning, slept for 3 1/2 hours, got up at 6AM and worked until 11AM when i was finally done.  it ended up being eleven pages when the minimum was 10, and i hope i did an adequate job.  i hate that feeling when you have given everything you have but you still feel like there should have been something more you could have/should have said about the whole topic…. well, i put it in campus mail wed morning, and there’s nothing more i can do about it.  it’s in God’s hands now. 

    tonight in group therapy we started to talk about sexual attraction within a group, its appropriateness, and its effects on a group.  i brought it up, because it’s something that i’ve wanted to talk about before, plus it’s an issue, or at least a potential one, at seminary and possibly in the future in a parish setting.  bk was really pleased that i brought it up because he says that’s a passionate interest of his (imagine my eyebrow shooting up into my hair, ha ha ha) and he’s even written a paper or two on it.  i know ces has wanted to talk about it before, but sz went off on a tangent that was equally good, and we never got to talk about it.  maybe next week… *sigh*

    we ended up talking about why talking about sex seems to be such a taboo for most people, and why i (and now bk) can talk about it without others reacting in horror.  apparently, according to ces, i “ask” for it > i think he meant that i am open about it, but it really didn’t sound good the way he put it….   sz says it’s because i never seem to be judgemental but always ready and willing to listen to what others have to  say.  bk didn’t say how he views me,  which of course makes me want to know, intensely > the worst part is that i am sure he realizes how much i want to know now, and i am equally sure he wants it that way.  i don’t know if he actually knows how much i do think about him and wonder what he thinks about me.  ces knows how i feel, but he’ll never tell…

    sometimes i feel as if i am still in high school, crushing on guys… the worst part is that i can no longer do anything about it.  ces and i have talked about that, too.  i also brought up in group how hard it is to be married and have no idea if you are attractive any more, and no really acceptable way to find out…

  • christmas lights so last night, i took a break from all this research for my Liturgics paper, and bc and i went shopping.   nothing too exciting, since all i bought was bread and… Chistmas Lights!!!!  so now in the front windows (the ones that face the campus quad) of my dorm living room i have multi-colored lights, and in each of the other two rooms which front on 21st street i put electric candles… ”it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”…. and sound like it too, especially now that one of the radio stations has switched to an all Christmas/holiday music programme until the end of the year.

    it has become very cold here, and the wind that whistles in off the water just funnels down these manmade canyons and freezes everything.  the clothing ministry here, St. Martin’s Closet, at least is now fairly full of clothes, particularly women’s > we have coats finally, and many sweaters… we never have enough large men’s pants (38-44 waists), but we are even getting some of them; the problem is they don’t last long.  yesterday we had several people, about evenly split between men and women, and of course they were all looking for long pants, sweaters, coats.  two of the women only spoke spanish, but fortunately one of the volunteers also spoke spanish.  one of the clients, Gabe, is an aleut from alaska, and has been traveling about as an itinerant musician > when he was ready to leave, he asked us if we would like to hear him play.  of course we said yes, and so he brought out a 1979 yamaha 12-string guitar and proceeded to play and sing some bob dylan.  immediately it was as if i had not left salem, mass, but was back then hanging out in the Campus Christian Fellowship listening to steve or betty or elaine playing… oh, and then a young woman who was trying on clothes said that she played guitar, and the next thing you know, he’d offered to let her play, and she did… they walked off together…

    i am reminded of the importance of aiding the homeless and the poor, especially in this time of Advent, of preparation for the coming of God, incarnate in the human baby Jesus.  “prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.  every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made sraight, and the rough ways made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” (luke 3:4b-6)  how can we make straight the paths that are crooked? or raise the valleys? or lower the mountains?  only by working for the equality of all, the dignity of all, the reconciliation of all.  we must raise up those who have fallen or who are down-trodden, help them out of their valleys.  we must reach out to those isolated and alone, whether by nature or circumstance, and bring them down from their mountains of isolation.  we must be a light for the pathways of our fellow humans so that they don’t stumble, or follow the crooked path. 

    we are all in this lifejourney together.  what allows us to sit in and with the suffering of others, homeless or depressed or victimized or disenfranchised or imprisoned, is the knowledge that it is within suffering that redemption happens.  even the birth of the little baby, Jesus, took place in the shadow of the cross > what baby gets funeral ointment for a birth gift??  Jesus died for us on the cross, suffered all of the horrors of that death and rejection, in order to show us that the way to salvation and redemption is not to rise above suffering, but to dwell within it, to sit with it, for it is in suffering that God is with us.  God holds us in suffering, reminding us always that there is resurrection in that suffering.  suffering is not something to be sought, but it is something that is redeemed.

    and so, as we go out into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit, ready to give our suffering Lord to a world that so desperately needs to hear this release from death, look up!  lift up your heads!  the Lord is near.  Rejoice.


  • so…i am supposed to be reading to write a reflection paper that is due tomorrow.  and what have i done for the past 3 hours? for the past 3 hours i have helped my niece study for a math final… over IM…

    i don’t know whether i want to cry or bang my head on the desk…

    part of my frustration, granted, is in the lack of technology for IM to convey certain math statements.  however a much larger part is frustration with a public school system that would let her pass her high school proficiency tests without a basic knowledge of long division, of fractions, of percents…  she’s not the only one, either.  i’ve tutored 4 or more persons, one of whom was in honors, in the last few years, and the deficiencies were the same.  i’m sorry, but there’s no excuse for this.  they all went on to college, got IN to college, and even in the remedial maths are having issues.  i was certainly no math whiz, but they would not have let me OUT of school, let alone IN to college, with these sorts of issues…

    i am not sanguine, not even a little bit, about these examples of grade inflation.  my other niece and nephew were able to get higher than 4.0 GPAs when they graduated high school, and yet they cannot even carry on a conversation in spanish with me (they took 4 years in high school, are within 2 years of the last time they took it, and i took 1 semester years ago in college as an undergrad)…

    since i am in no way a cosmic genius, this says something quite unsatisfactory about the school system in the US

  • kestryl has issued a challenge to us women > to find a photo of ourselves that we deem attractive and post it… well, this one is from a while ago, but the only thing that has really changed is the hair…


    EDIT:  it seems as if i forgot part of the challenge… d’oh!  i consider my hair, my lips, and my eyes to be my most appealing features… my hair, although no longer permed, really silky and shiny… my eyes are hazel but change from deep green to a gold color with a dark ring of green around the iris, depending upon my mood… i also have been told that i have nice legs, which are very long for my height…  my skin is very very pale, and never tans > is that a plus? depends on the era….